Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hi there,

Just a quick hi again,didn't get many LO's done on Sat night only the two that l've just put on, think l have lost a lil bit of mojo,hopefully it comes back real soon.Didn't go to Winton as its so cold so the boys have gone over 2 the lake(which is all dryed up)for a ride,they still will have loads of fun in the mud.I'm just going to have a day of not doing much which is always good.Till next time have fun,stay safe
Cass xo
LO of my oldest boy Dillon with our new blue/white staffy pup.In the litter was a female red,male chocolate,female black & male blue,l luved the chocy & red 1 umm nearly ended up with 2 more,lucky Paul picked out this pup.Might name him Buddy,was going to be max but we unsure on that.

LO of Chey all dressed up ready to go to Adam Brand Concert.Paul & l were meant to go but l got real crook l was so annoyed as l luv the dirt track cowboy.Oh well another time.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hi there,
Just a quick hello & hope l have posted it right lol.ohhhhh how lovely is this rain hey.Big thanks to Pauly for getting me started on this blog & the addiction that will follow.,,gee l either need more hours in the day or another day in the week(not a work day either) 2 be able 2 do all the lil addictions & hobbies l enjoy but dont seem to have enough time to do them.l'm sure we all share that thought.Not much on for the weekend.Sat night is my scrap night & l really hope l get more then 2 LO's done & on Sunday l think we r off 2 winton for the ride day if its not 2 cold...Oh & somewhere in between that the other half will try out his new tractor he brought so the horse idea 2 eat the grass down has gone,,,,,got a tractor instead..have 2 get pics of that.
Anyway till next time take care & have fun
Cass xo

Thursday, April 23, 2009

LO of our spoilt staffy pups Busta,Amber & umm still haven't named the pup.Thinking of naming him Max

Heres a LO of me at 39 taken at the park at Shepparton which is where we went 4 my birthday.scary !!1 more year 2 go & im the big 40

LO of my daughter Chey with a few of her mates.don't they all just luv 2 pose 4 the camera.

LO of chey with her friend jackie.

LO of me ,my mum & daughter on my birthday.gee haven't had a pic of us 3 together in years.

Had 2 do a l.o. of when craig injured himself at the skate park. All very scary when l turned up there.

Just another pick of Chey & Krystal & believe me there will be thousands of LO's of these pair as they love the camera

LO of my 2 nephews Jake & Beau

LO of my niece & nephew,this was hard 2 get a pic of them 2gether.March 09

LO of my daughter Chey posing,there will be thousands of these as well as she luvs 2 pose

Welcome to my new blog where l will share my layouts & creations with you.Hope you enjoy