Hi There,
Got a fair bit of chat to tell.
Had a huge sleep in this morning got up at 11am,wow haven't had one of them in ages.it was good. Posted 3 LO's up as thats what l got done last saturday night at Paulys thats was impressive usually only do 2.Saturday night just gone l done those dreaded little ATC cards,which l will post on here when Pauly gets home later.l was stressing soooo much over those cards, l was just not confident at all to be able to do them,um bit silly of me.l had Paulys nods of yeah that looks good or na that looks crap so that always helps.
Got both the boys out in there whitehouse hut now & have got the kids loungeroom done that was Dillons old room & have nearly set up the office ,come scrap room ,come timeout from everything & everyone & that was Craigs room.Cleaned the car as well & Paul cleaned the truck we had a pretty full on day & oh cant forget we took the pups into the dogwash in town & gave them a big bath,pups were not to happy....
Dillon is going to the roadhouse for a job doing weekends there fitting chains & so forth once winter hits so l hope he gets that,he luved it last winter at scm doing that stuff & gee it pays well,l didnt like the 5.30 am to get up to take him to the busstop but to get his lift into town on Sunday mornings.Paul & l got into Craigs ear to go to Pullins ski hire to do the same as they are advertising for winter staff,hope he does.
Anyway think thats it for now so till next time stay safe & have fun